About Us
Global Trust Bank

The name Global Trust Bank evokes a special nostalgic feel among all those who worked for the Bank. Though defunct since 2004, the very fact that ex- employees still get together every few years, reminiscing about the good old days spent at the Bank, peaks wonders about the special bond that binds ex employees of the Bank together.

It was therefore not strange that some enthusiasts from this group of GTB ex-employees came together in 2020 and decided to start a welfare association, calling it the GTBians Welfare Association.

About Us
Global Trust Bank

The name Global Trust Bank evokes a special nostalgic feel among all those who worked for the Bank. Though defunct since 2004, the very fact that ex- employees still get together every few years, reminiscing about the good old days spent at the Bank, peaks wonders about the special bond that binds ex employees of the Bank together.

It was therefore not strange that some enthusiasts from this group of GTB ex-employees came together in 2020 and decided to start a welfare association, calling it the GTBians Welfare Association.

The executive committee made up of 14 selfless ex- employees working voluntarily, used to meet by video conference every Sunday, to discuss and give shape to this new venture which already has over 100 members having paid normal fees of Rs.2200, with life membership going up to Rs.25000 with donations from well wishers of small and big amounts (up to Rs.1 lac) with the total sum collected so far in excess of Rs.6.50 lacs..

While the objective of the Association is to help ex- GTB employees in need, the Association lends a helping hand to charitable organizations, and has plans to issue certificates along with a cash prize to meritorious students from the ex- GTBian family. The association intends to make a difference in the lives of many who become active members.

The executive committee made up of 14 selfless ex- employees working voluntarily, used to meet by video conference every Sunday, to discuss and give shape to this new venture which already has over 100 members having paid normal fees of Rs.2200, with life membership going up to Rs.25000 with donations from well wishers of small and big amounts (up to Rs.1 lac) with the total sum collected so far in excess of Rs.6.50 lacs..

While the objective of the Association is to help ex- GTB employees in need, the Association lends a helping hand to charitable organizations, and has plans to issue certificates along with a cash prize to meritorious students from the ex- GTBian family. The association intends to make a difference in the lives of many who become active members.