Achievers Club

Dear eGTBians,

Hope our eGTBians and their families are staying safe and healthy.

Many of our members and their families have successfully battled the virus. Alas a few succumbed ….our prayers with their families.

The GTBWA has sent a small “wellness package” to the covid victors. The association is also partaking in charity for the under previleged. Many members have assisted each other with information/aid during this pandemic. A salute to all for their selfless service…..

Although the “Achievers Club” awards were expected to be announced in June 2021, the committee decided to defer it by a few days taking into account the health crises and also allowing many more members to submit their achievements. As an exception to the laid down process of the awards this financial year 2021-2022, the GTBWA has concurred to extend it to NON MEMBERS as well.

We welcome nominations from eGTBians (including outsourced personnel) for self/spouses /grandchildren on their extraordinary accomplishments in the field of education, sports, social service, literature, arts, civil service(the detailed document on “ACHIEVERS CLUB” is being attached herewith).


Details of Program for grant of rewards to meritorious employees / family members of Global Trust Bank in recognition of their achievements, is provided here with.

Objective of the program is to RECORD the significant achievements and RECOGNISE the meritorious employees / family members of GTB.
Recognizing the efforts of achievers in various fields like Education, Social service, Medical & Health, Sports, Writers, Innovators, Entrepreneurs etc.
To honor the achievers by establishing a recognition mechanism.
Eligibility Criteria
Any of the GTB employees / family members who have achieved significant milestones, as detailed below, are eligible for the Program. Please note that for the purpose of this program, family members include GTB employees, Spouse, Son, Daughter-in-law, Daughter, Son-in-law, and Grandchildren. The program is equally applicable for those who worked in GTB as Outsourced and became employees subsequently in the merged entity and or anywhere else.
Students who secured a rank in Top 10 in class X, XII or equivalent examinations conducted by any State / UT or Central or International syllabus curriculum.
Students who successfully completed and stood in Top 10 ranks of any bachelor’s degree, post-graduation or other similar programs / courses offered by Government universities or top-rated institutions.
Students who successfully completed in first/single attempt, programs offered by national level professional institutions like CAIIB(IIBF), ICAI (Chartered Accountants), ICAI (Cost Accountants), ICSI, CFA, etc.
Students who secured a rank in Top 100 in National level Common Entrance tests like JEE, CAT, NEET, PGNEET, CLAT etc.
Students who have passed UPSC exams and have qualified for IFS/IAS/IPS/IFS /IRS/IAAS etc.
Students who have successfully cleared GMAT/GRE and have secured admissions in the top 10 international colleges (for the purpose of this award the list of the said colleges will be updated every year).
Any student/member representing the country at the International level.
Persons participating and securing in Top 5 positions in various programs / competitions organised at State / UT / National level in the fields of arts, culture, sciences, social services, sports, research and development or any other streams. For the purpose of the award the nominations are to be sent to the Nominations Committee.
The EC members will abstain from making any representation for awards for self, however his/her spouse and other family members may qualify subject to fulfilment of award eligibility criteria. The decision for the same will be taken by a majority vote where the concerned member will not exercise his/her vote.
Any other person with extraordinary or exceptional tributes/traits, as decided by the Association.

The proposals for awards are required to be recommended by the Nomination Committee, constituted by EC of the Association.

For the Financial year 2021-22 the number of awards instituted will be 10 (ten).

Members of Nomination Committee:
1. Ms. Vijaya Sreehari
2. Mr. Srikanth Kalluri
3. Mr. Swaroop Pallapothu

Nomination Committee is required to screen / review the candidatures with relevant documents and recommend the details of selected persons to EC for approval.


Following rewards be distributed to selected candidates –

Memento / Trophy / Wooden or Metallic Plaque
Certificate of Appreciation
For the year 2021 -2022
A cash prize of Rs.10000/- has been instituted for the UPSC category winner in memory of Late Shri Bandi Ramarao IAS (Retd)- father in law of Mr Lalpet Haribabu for the Financial Year 2021-2022.
A cash prize of Rs.5000/- has been instituted by Mr Ashwinkumar for the student who secures a rank within the first 100 in the IIT Entrance Selection exam for the Financial Year 2021-2022.
A Cash prize of Rs.5000/- has been instituted for the Sports & Games Category who gets selected to University (Govt Recognized but not Deemed Universities) Level for Tennis and or Cricket in memory of Late Shri Lalpet Ramachandran – father of Mr Lalpet Haribabu for the Financial Year 2021-2022.
Any others who wish to declare cash prize for any of the ten members selected will be taken into account. Only GTBians can initiate cash awards and not others.
Other terms
Awards will be granted only to GTBians (and family) who are bonafide members of the GTBian Welfare Association.
The program is effective from 1st April 2021.
Any achievements made on or after 1st April 2020 can be considered for rewards under the program.
Decision of the EC is final and binding. No further correspondence will be entertained subsequently on the decided matter.
EC can amend the terms and conditions of the program at any time without any prior notification.
Details of awardees and their achievements will be shared with all the members by posting the same on Association’s website.
The applications for this recognition can be submitted / referred by anyone whether he is a GTBian or not.
Procedure for distribution will be chalked out by the EC.
Operational guidelines
    Receiving applications/ information and sorting can be done.
    If the number is TEN and below. No issue we can release to all. If the number is more than ten then priority will be IN THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE.
    Gtbian, HIS/HER spouse, Sons, daughters, Daughter-in-law, Son-in-law, grand children.
    Cut off date for receipt of application. Every year May /June end.
    The concerned Gtbians should be a member and subscription paid for 2021- 2022. Like wise every year.
    Procedure for handover or honouring can be specified but need not be specific as Gtbians are spread over across the country and Overseas. If the recipient is far away and no member is available at that location, we may send the award by courier.
    Preferably we can organise a mini get together and felicitate the awardee/s.

    EGTBians kindly contact all our outsourced colleagues and inform them about the rewards program. Let them connect with us on telegram.

    Kindly submit your representations on or before 10th August, 2021 through the following google form.

    The representations will be examined by the Nomination committee and the names of successful candidates will be presented to the GTBWA committee for final approval. The culmination of this exercise will be on 15th August 2021. The rewardees’ achievements will be showcased on the GTBWA website. Citations will be sent to the achievers by post/courier or will be presented by a senior official in that region subject to government restrictions and the intensity of the pandemic situation. As is in our eGTB DNA….we expect and hope whole hearted participation and we will share your joy in being a part of the stellar eGTBian family.