Aims & Objectives
The Association shall look after the general welfare of its members
To promote fellowship, foster a spirit of co-operation, unity and confidence among members through social, cultural and other activities.
To foster a spirit of mutual help and goodwill among the Members of the Association.
To extend financial aid to the needy Members mainly to meet hospitalization expenses for the self and spouse.
To help alleviate the suffering of Members in emergency cases.
To take-up new activities from time to time as per the need of time demands and which are in the interest and well-being of the Members.
To undertake / promote charitable activities for the welfare of Members.
To exchange ideas with a view to help Members in welfare activities.
To establish, maintain and organize Workshops, Seminars, etc. for awareness, education and development of all faculties of Members.
To provide telemedicine facility to Members in specified hours and specified days which will be handled by a doctor with or without honorarium.
To organise health camps at regular intervals for the members and their dependent family members.
To organise Yoga and health related sessions by experts, physically or virtually, for the benefit of members and their dependent family members.
To organise any other activity / awareness program for the benefit of Members.
All income and properties of the Association shall be solely utilized for the promotion of its objectives
“Certified that the Association is formed with no profit motive and no commercial activities involved in its working “.
“Certified that the Office Bearers are not paid form the funds of the Association except for incidental expenditure incurred in connection with the activities of the Association” .
“Certified that the Association would not engage in any political activities, agitation activities to ventilate to grievances”.
“Certified that the office Bearers signatures are genuine”.
No portions of All income, carryings, movable or immovable properties shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit or in any other manner to the present, past and future members of the Association.